Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Ok, the first thing I'd like to talk about, since it is gratitude month, is exactly that. Gratitude. You probably ask yourself, well, what in the world are you talking about when the world is in such turmoil. And...the anser is still gratitude. When I am grateful for life living and those around me, I can't help but continue to think straight, I can't help but continue to be in awe about the incredible things that ARE still happenning regardless of all that is wrong. When I am grateful, I can't help but think that there is something or someone out there, or in here, somewhere, that is bigger than my thoughts, bigger than what could possibly be wrong...
When I am Grateful, there is a chance I can transfer that energy from within to things without. This preambles what I really want to talk about.
I want to talk about a place called Castle Cops. A place where there is never a dull moment. A place that has grown by leaps and bounds, that has what it takes to live in a world of bytes, hardware, software, thoughts, ideas, and a wide range of useful information for dealing with things online. It trully is a place that has made me put this blog aside and allowed me to realize that there is more to life than meets the eye, and that there is no computer problem to small or too big for a team to tackle it. It is a place where I have found many many solutions to simple and complicated problems with my computer. A place that glows with a true spirit of knowledge, teamwork, and sharing...

That, in a nutshell is the spirit of Castle Cops!
Have computer problems or software problems? Need an answer? Stop by and visit!

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